Yesterday marked World Seabird Day

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Globally, there are 50 species of terns, of which 20% breed on Aruba. Worldwide, there are some places where five species of terns breed, while in Aruba there are ten. This makes Aruba possibly the only place where this occurs.

In 2007, the reefs of San Nicolas were declared a Globally Important Bird Area by BirdLife International due to their high concentration of Brown and Black Noddies, Roseate Terns, Royal Terns, Least Terns, Common Terns, Bridled Terns, Sooty Terns, Sandwich Terns, and Cayenne Terns, which are different types of terns.

Around 20% of all Cayenne Terns, 40% of Black Noddies, and 60% of the world’s Common Terns breed on our island. It is estimated that 6,600 pairs of Bridled Terns and 5,000 Cayenne Terns breed in Aruba. Along our entire northern coast, Least Terns, Common Terns, and Roseate Terns breed.

Aruba’s territory is of utmost importance for these bird species globally. Let’s learn to recognize and appreciate our nature so we can give it the treatment it deserves!