What to do in case of a hurricane emergency on Aruba (2nd edition)

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(Oranjestad)—On June 2nd, we published the Aruban Health Department’s (DVG) first edition of hurricane season guidelines. Once again, they have recently published their second edition containing more emergency guideline in the rare case of a serious hurricane emergency on the island. At a time when official institutions such as the Government and the Disaster Management Bureau inform us that there is a high possibility of experiencing a hurricane in the coming days, it is important for us to continue with our preparations.

72 hours or 3 days before the hurricane’s arrival:

• Prepare a bag in which all essential materials and important items are packed. Consider this as your emergency bag.

• Gather important documents such as passports, medical histories, or necessary medications, and store them in plastic Ziploc bags inside the emergency bag.

• Create or purchase a first-aid kit consisting of items such as band-aids, antiseptic solution, gauze, bandages, and pain relievers like paracetamol or voltaren, as well as other items that may be needed for minor injuries that don’t require immediate medical attention.

• If you or any family member takes daily medication, make sure you have enough to last for a few days. Place these medications in Ziploc bags and store them in the emergency bag. Do the same if someone in the family uses a daily medical device.

• Pack some snacks and bottled water in the emergency bag.

• Assign a responsible person to have and carry the emergency bag at all times.

• Ensure you have a flashlight with batteries and a whistle with you.

• Sit down and create an evacuation plan in case your family needs to leave their location. Don’t forget to include plans for your pets.

48 hours or 2 days before the hurricane’s arrival:

Prepare a space in your home where your family can stay during the hours when the hurricane is passing. This space should preferably be an area with few or no windows and doors.

• Make arrangements for your pets in this space.

• Fill your car with gasoline or diesel.

• Ensure you have enough drinking water for each family member (2 liters per person).

• Purchase some canned food and snacks (make sure you have a manual can opener).

• If you have perishable food in the refrigerator, set the temperature to the maximum capacity and avoid opening it regularly.

24 hours or 1 day before the hurricane’s arrival:

• Secure doors and windows by nailing or covering them with plywood or some other strong material.

• Charge your phones and other essential electronic devices.

• Review the evacuation plan.

• Prepare both electronic and non-electronic games and activities to entertain your family during the following hours and days.

Stay tuned for edition nr. 3, where the Department of Public Health, in collaboration with the Disaster Management Bureau, will provide further instructions on what to do during and after a hurricane has passed.

For more information, please like our Facebook page “Directie Volksgezondheid DVG Aruba,” follow us on Instagram “directie_volksgezondheid_aruba,” visit our website www.dvg.aw, call us at 5224200, or email us at servicio@dvg.aw.