Visual Voices 2023 Photography Exhibition at San Nicolas

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(Oranjestad)—Visual Voices Photography is a project that originated in the after school program known as Y’s CARE of the YMCA of Aruba. This project started in 2019 at the YMCA in San Nicolas, but, unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it had been put on hold for two years. Thankfully, the project was reactivated last year by the enthusiastic efforts of the Y’s CARE Supervisor, Ms. Inki Geerman.

For 2023, Visual Voices Photography will host the youth again, a group between the ages of ten through eleven years are coming with a state of art exhibition of how they see the world trough the lens of their camera.

A total of twenty-four photographs are chosen to be displayed in the exhibition, which will be held in the ArtisA Gallery in San Nicolas.

Each piece showcases the participants’ exploration of their community through the viewfinder, this under the direction of renown Canadian photographer, Randy Bullerwell.

The students learned the technical aspects of photography as they developed their own perspective and creative style.

The exhibition will be showcased In ArtisA Gallery in the Promenade San Nicolas, Saturday 29th of April, from 07:00 pm – 09:00 pm. Come and join us in to the magical world of these youngsters, showing the images of this talented group of students as they share their inspiration behind the images they have captured!

And once again, much like every year, a warm thank you to Tito Bolivar and the ArtisA Team for making this expo happen and hosting our group.