Visitors comply with Aruba’s COVID-19 measures

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From July 1st Aruba started to reopen its borders and since then a total of 10.155 passengers have entered the island, 7875 are tourists and 2280 are residents and airline employees. Out of this group thirteen have been tested COVID-19 positive representing a 0, 13% of the total number of passengers.

We may also conclude that from the 10.155 tourists and residents 10.142 have complied with all implemented measures and entered our island with a minimum risk of contamination. The crisis team and Government of Aruba (GOA) are continuously working on data and evaluating the situation to implement adjustments whenever is necessary. Thanks to people complying with the measures and the management of the crisis by GOA, the numbers show a positive trend.

Actual situation

The 14 active cases at this moment (Monday July 27th) consist of five residents and nine tourists. They are all isolated in their house or residence and in the case of the tourists they were referred to a special site by the Aruba Tourism Authority (A.T.A.). There is no local transmission currently and the people in quarantine are being closely monitored. The positively tested tourists are collaborating very well and understand the measures that are being taken.

In case instructions will not be followed, the department of public health will investigate the case and if applicable consequences will follow for the resident or tourist who is not complying with the measures. In reality the persons cannot be checked 24 hours a day and therefore the island is asking all to take their own responsibility and be disciplined because the taken measures are to protect yourself and others. We need everyone to collaborate so we can continue keeping Aruba as safe as possible.