University of Aruba goes digital

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Prior registration for academic year 2020-2021

Individual and faculty speed dating sessions

Taking a decision on where to study is not an easy assignment. This assignment becomes even more difficult when considering that it may be the most important decision that will define your academic success and future career. At the University of Aruba, we understand the importance of this decision. That is why we want to be as good as an option could be. We are also continuously improving our physical and technical infrastructure to enhance the quality of our programs.

While other things may get you pumped up and excited and be a huge distraction. Either way, we don’t need to stress the importance of your university journey.
Three things you need to know about the University of Aruba:

  • Potential students can prior register for the Academic year 2020-2021
  • Every Wednesday we have live Q&A sessions from one of our faculty programs
  • Our yearly open house was cancelled but we offer speed dating sessions for potential students. Simply for you to connect with our students and lecturers.

Surf over to our website for more information

You see at the UA we believe that success is attainable in a partnership between representatives of the institution be it lecturers, professors, and the student themselves. Together we work for you to achieve the goals that you have visualized. After you have visualized and defined what you want, we encourage you through our personal contact and commitment to believe you can achieve what you put your mind to. Therefore, we invite you to follow us on our social media platform for weekly informative sessions and also live Q&A.

And if you would like to connect with us, feel free to sign up for our informative speed dating

sessions. Speed dating link:

Prior registration link:

Information about our Live Q&A are:

  • Hospitality, Tourism, Management Studies (FHTMS) April 29
  • Social Work & Development (SWD) Mei 6
  • Organization, Governance & Management (OGM)May 13
  • Finance, Accounting & Marketing (FEF) May 20th
  • Faculty of Law (FdR) May 27
  • Sustainable Island Solution through Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (SISSTEM) June 3rd

Still doubting that this is the academic energy that you need to succeed, email us or send us a Facebook message at . We are here to share the good vibes. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram or on our website: