UNICEF will continue to provide technical support to Aruba for child protection

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Last week, the “Nationale Postcode Loterij” (National Postcode Lottery) of the Netherlands, indicated that the subsidy requested by UNICEF NL was approved.

The request was approved after the successful screening last year.

UNICEF NL will work in collaboration with the Ministries of Aruba and Curacao to fortify the child protection system, especially in these times. It is essential to provide this support to these islands, especially after the social-economic impact caused by the pandemic.

The financial support is 2.3 million Euros and is destined for some already defined projects in Aruba and Curacao in collaboration and agreement between Aruba and the Netherlands.

Professionals of Aruba and Curacao will work together to help protect the children while structurally improving and optimizing the system. The objective of this system is to have the children grow up in a secure environment without violence while providing them all the opportunities to develop optimally and show their talent without restrictions.

The themes and goals of the NPL are to create a base for the “Padlet-Needs Assessment”, as indicated last year by the professionals. Planning of the activities for Aruba for the period 2022-2024 will start in collaboration with these professionals, as approved by the NPL and European Commission. All of this is under strict supervision based on the goals, and UNICEF NL will provide technical support throughout the entire process.

The four areas of focus are:

  1. Early detection / Protection Code;
  2. positive Upbringing;
  3. juvenile participation;
  4. stimulate inter-institutional collaboration to prevent child abuse.

Soon the brainstorming sessions with the professionals will start, all for the benefit of the children in Aruba.