Actor and comedian Jandino Asporaat is reaching out to everyone to come in action during his live benefit show TODAY. The show’s goal is to support the growing poverty on the islands of Curacao, Aruba and St. Maarten.
Six Dutch Caribbean islands are all part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Aruba, Curacao and Sint Maarten are separate constituent countries within the Kingdom, whereas Bonaire, Sint Eustatius, and Saba are part of the constituent country of the Netherlands. The show is set up to aid the separate constituent countries Curacao, Aruba and St. Maarten.
As a result of the lockdown the tourism industry, which is the main economic pillar, has fallen completely still. Poverty and hunger of the people are the results. “Within the Kingdom of the Netherlands a disaster is taking place. A normal meal is for many families no reality at this moment,” says Asporaat. “As a child I lived in poverty and I know very well how it feels to go to bed on an empty stomach. This is something I do not wish for nobody to happen and therefore we need to reach out and help.”
Food aid.
Asporaat was born in Curacao where he lived until the age of 11. He. is very much involved with the people on the islands and decided to initiate this project where he collects funding to prepare food packages for the population on the three islands. The show is called Together One Kingdom and will be filled with live performances by Dutch and international celebrities. It will be a show of laughter and tears where at the end the total collected amount of money will be announced. For more information please check