The Department of Human Resources (DRH) initiates performance management

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The Department of Human Resources DRH will initiate the trajectory of the system called performance management as stipulated in the “Landspakket”.

The objective of performance management is the guidance and coaching of public workers to improve the quality and efficiency of the public entity.

The Government of Aruba has granted the DRH the mandate to initiate this pilot project performance management. This trajectory includes the participation of the unions and every single public worker.

To implement the performance management, they organized a pilot project where 38 departments of the Government attended successfully. Next, the DRH will provide information and workshops to all departments. The legislative part of the system is being developed by the DWJZ to achieve performance management by Jan. 1, 2023.

During the week of September 12 to September 19, 2022, the DRH will continue with the preparation process to implement the system. They will invite all government departments to attend the performance management workshop. The participants will receive information and training about the trajectory.

The DRH will keep the public sector posted about the developments in the upcoming days to allow all departments to acquire more knowledge of the system and contribute constructively to the performance management project.