The Aruba Tourism Authority honor loyal visitors on the island; Mr. Richard & Mrs. Rebecca Albert

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Recently, Kimberley Richardson of the Aruba Tourism Authority had the great pleasure to honor Aruba’s loyal and friendly visitors as Goodwill Ambassadors of Aruba. The Goodwill Ambassador certificate is presented on behalf of the Minister of Tourism, as a token of appreciation and to say ‘Masha Danki’ to persons whom have visited Aruba for over 20 years consecutively.

This time, I was given the wonderful pleasure to honor Mr. Richard & Mrs. Rebecca Albert and their wonderful daughter Ashley Winnett from Missouri, United states. It is incredibly beautiful to see that Aruba has so many loyal visitors, and we ensure to always make them feel welcomed and appreciated whenever they visit us in Aruba.

This lovely family stated that they love the island very much, especially for its year-round sunny weather, nice sandy beaches and picturesque sunsets, its peacefulness and beauty, its safety, its variety of foods, and Aruba’s warm and friendly people whom have become like family to them.

Ms. Richardson together with the representatives of the Playa Linda Beach Resort presented the certificates to the honorees, handed over some presents and also thanked them for choosing Aruba as their favorite vacation destination and as their home-away-from-home.