Steelband of the Dutch Marines are back for Carnaval

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SAVANETA — The Dutch Marines Steelband has been training hard and are ready to delight us with the sweet sound of the pans – also known as steel drums- during the last parades of carnival.

This year the Dutch Marines Steelband is celebrating its 50th Anniversary. The steelband set was made 50 years ago by Edgar Connor and donated to the Dutch Marines.

The Dutch Marines presented a spectacular ‘Childrens’ Concert’ dedicated to the children of Aruba. It was a free concert for elementary schoolchildren of Aruba. A total of 1300 children took part of this educational and fun event. Since they are commemorating their 50th anniversary, they had the Connor Brothers invited as their special guests. The children were excited singing and dancing to the sounds of the steelpans. The Dutch Marines are looking forward to host this event again next year.