Star of the day: Jivana Cordero

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Jivana is 9 years old and she is in 4th grade of Sagrado Curason elementary school in Savaneta. Jivana is a client of FAVI, the foundation for the visually impaired, and is the most outstanding student of 2021. Despite her limitation from her eyesight she managed to pass the schoolyear successfully with wonderful grades and she has received her swimming diploma also.

Jivana loves dancing and she is part of a dancing group called NGT and are working hard on preparations for their next show in December.

Jivana is an artist, she loves to draw and watch movies. She also loves to write her own songs to sing. Jivana is really active and she always has an idea to keep the world beautiful and happy.

Recently, Jivana received her certificate of her blind typing by FAVI. She is so proud and excited about this. FAVI is very happy with Jivana’s accomplishment and that’s why she is considered the best student in 2021.

FAVI stands for Foundation Aruba for the visually impaired. Their main purpose is to help everybody (from babies to elders) with a limitation of eyesight so they can happily live their life in a healthy environment. FAVI consist of different departments, such as a social department, revalidation, information department, activities and education. At the moment there are 41 children registered in FAVI that are getting special help from FAVI in school. Every kid is different and they are helped individually. When a teacher detects that a child needs extra help for example they extra help when using a computer or are in need of any auxiliary tools, than the foundation will be notified of this to provide the kid with additional guidance.

Recently, the department of education EDUCA launched a new website , where the educator will have easy access to practice and guide children with limitations.

The support of the community through donations to FAVI is very important. They can use all the help they can get. If you wish to donate you can do this at the following bank accounts RBC 31.36.6122 or ARUBA BANK 7024380290.

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