Skip & Winnie Speed became Aruba’s “Honorary Emerald Ambassador” after 35 years of continue visits.

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It have been 35 years ago when Skip and Winnie decided to come to Aruba for the first time and fall in love with our island and since then became their second home. 

Over the years they made so many friends that are now more than family here in Aruba. They have seen the up rise of Aruba and so many come and go as they say but they are still strong coming to Aruba every year. This year they will be coming 2 more time and already do have their reservation done for next year. This couple brought many of their friends and families over the years to Aruba and the list continue growing every year. Skip is also an ordained minister and did some vow renewal on our amazing beaches. Winnie celebrated her 83th birthday at Red Parrot Restaurant surrounded by many friends that came to wish her all the blessings in the world.  Our gratitude to this couple and all they have done for our island of Aruba and wishing them all the best and congratulation for this amazing title as “Emerald Ambassador” of Aruba. They will be coming back this July and also in October so they will maintain their nice island tan.

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