Royal Carnival Queen, Adrienne Jacobs, is in full preparation for the election of Aruban Carnaval Queen

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The election for the Aruban Carnaval Queen, along with Miss Carnaval, will take place on Sunday, January 22nd. Adrienne Jacobs (25) is one of the candidates for this year’s Carnaval Queen contest and will be representing Royal Carnival Group. Jacobs let us in on her preparation routine for the big day.

Jacobs explained that rehearsals and preparations are going great. Seeing as participating in the contest was a last-minute decision she took with her family, the time they have for preparations is short. Despite this, she said that preparations are going as planned:

“Every day I’m busy rehearsing with dancers, my personal coach and working with a great team that is constantly at work. This team includes the decorator for my props, the designer of my outfits, my choreographer, family and dancers who train daily to create an amazing showcase”, she stated.

Personally, she added, she is very excited and not at all nervous; she’s been a natural performer from a very young age. She expressed that after her run for Youth Carnaval Queen in 2013, she is excited to be back on stage.

“Whenever I go on stage, I always tell myself to have fun. Win or lose, every one of the candidates is a queen on her own”, she gushed.

Finally, Jacob sent a personal message to the carnaval community of Aruba: “I just want to say to the carnaval community, let’s celebrate Carnaval 69 healthily and responsibly. After two years of no carnaval, let’s celebrate this one with ease and enjoyment. Let us be an inspiration to the younger generation, to celebrate and elevate our carnaval tradition. So, enjoy and celebrate big, but do so responsibly”.