Rotary Club of Aruba Beautifies YMCA Dakota with “Hands-On” Project

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Recently, the Rotary Club of Aruba joined hands in a “Hands-On” project at YMCA Dakota to beautify the entrance and clean the yard. This way, the children who attend this YMCA center can enjoy a cleaner and more attractive establishment. At the entrance of the building, volunteers from the Rotary Club of Aruba cut the grass, installed ground cover, and placed gravel. In the back yard, they cut the grass and did a thorough cleaning.

Together with Rotary members and friends of the Club, the work was completed in record time, thus beautifying the entrance of the YMCA. With this “Hands-On” project, the Rotary Club of Aruba concludes another successful Rotary year under the leadership of President Luis Oduber.

Additionally, outgoing President Luis Oduber, along with all the members of the Rotary Club of Aruba, wishes to thank the businesses, commerce, and the community in general for once again contributing during this Rotary year 2023-2024. With this support, the Rotary Club of Aruba has provided financial assistance to various institutions, enabling them to help the most vulnerable in our community.