The Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) presents the results of the Censo2020 for the topic, Education. In Aruba, for several decades, the percentage of children and youth following education is very high. The results of the Censo2020 underscore this one more time.
The results indicate that 87.5% of children and youth in the age group 0 to 17 years are attending school or following an education, including different types of online education. For children between 4 and 16 years for whom compulsory education is applicable, the percentage of participation is much higher, namely 98,7%. The participation percentage is almost the same for boys (98.6%) and girls (98,9%). The main reasons for not going to school were physical or mental health problems followed by the current COVID-19 pandemic.
Compared to Censo2010, in 2020, the percentage of children between 0-3 years that visited a day-care center decreased. While in 2010, 45.4% of children till 3 years old were visiting a day-care center, in 2020, the percentage stood at 35.9%. There was also a slight decrease for children attending school, aged 4 to 5 years from 97.9% in 2010 to 96.0% in 2020. In the age group, 6 to 11 years, the results of Censo2020 showed a slight increase in the percentage of children attending school, from 98.8% in 2010 pa 99.3% in 2020.  There was also an increase for young persons between 12 and 17 years. While in 2010, 96.0% of young persons were attending school, in 2020, this percentage increased to 98.1%. The percentage of boys and girls attending school is almost the same, 87.3% for boys and 87.7% for girls between 0-17 years.
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