Quota International Aruba is a service club comprised of executive women who organize various activities in order to be of service to the Aruban community. They concentrate on helping the hearing and visually impaired and also the women and children in distress.
One of their annual activities is the Shatter Silence Week. This event has been held for 31 consecutive years. It reflects on the big dark silence in which a person falls when they lose their hearing. With the loss of their hearing they lose total communication with the outside world. Your hearing is what determines your senses and a good communication with others. One of the main goals of Quota International of Aruba, is to bring awareness to our community and to emphasize the importance of taking care and protecting of your hearing. The Shatter Silence Week will take place from September 9th till September 13th of 2019.
Quota International Aruba will be closing off the Shatter Silence Week with a Neon Family Fun walk. This will take place on Friday September 13th 2019 at the Goldmine Ruins at Bushiribana. The events starts at 7pm. The route will be Bushiribana to Natural Bridge and back to Bushiribana. Every one registered for the walk will receive a neon stick and refreshments. There will be an additional prize for the best decorated shirt for this event.
For more information visit their facebook page Quota international Aruba. q