Program “Aruba wants to work”

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The Government of Aruba recently announced that in November 2021, the last month is of FASE for persons who lost their jobs due to the pandemic.

The Government of Aruba started FASE back in April 2020 and helped 10777 individuals in the first month, totaling 10,254.386 million florins.

After the start of FASE, the Government initiated the Salary Subsidy to guarantee that companies retain their employees. In October 2021, 19 months after the implementation of FASE, there are still more than 2000 individuals depending on FASE.

The economy of Aruba is recovering. Companies are reaching out to the DPL with the request for workers that they are not available.

The Minister of Labor, Mr. Glenbert Croes, stated that maybe the jobs available are not your dream job. But these jobs serve as a springboard to a better job.

It is the reason for the Minister to initiate a program called “Aruba wants to work.” This program offers a variety of retraining through “Enseñansa pa Empleo” to help get people back on track. It helps with the easy reintegration into the labor market. The first training will be Change of Mindset. Why this? Many individuals have become conformists at home. This mentality has to change to get people back at work full of optimism, hope, and new opportunities. The Government took it upon themselves to help the community with FASE during the pandemic, and now it is their commitment to get most people back at work.