Prince Bernhard Culture Fund Caribbean Foundation Grants Support to Aruba Photo Room and Its Latest Exhibitions: Caribbean + Southern Dialogs.

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The Talk of the Town Hotel & Beach Club in collaboration with the Art Museum of the Americas presents Caribbean Dialogs, an interwoven photo artists’ co-curated exhibition with works by photographers Rafael Barragan (Venezuela), Damilice Mansur (Aruba), Darlin Quiroz (Colombia/Aruba), and Fernando Vermeer (Aruba), and curated by Fabian Gonçalves Borrega and Renwick Heronimo. The exhibition is shown along with Southern Dialogs, an exhibition curated by Elda Harrington and Silvia Mangialardi, Southern Dialogs features the work of eleven artists from Chile and Argentina.

Aruba Photo Room and Dialogs was established partly with financial support from the Prince Bernhard Culture Funds Caribbean Foundation.

The exhibition will be on view from Wednesday, October 27th, 2021 until Wednesday, January 20th, 2022. A lecture by Fabian Gonçalves Borrega to accompany the exhibition will be held the following day, on Thursday, October 28th at 7pm.

Aruba Photo Room at the Talk of the Town Hotel & Beach Club will host an opening reception on Wednesday, October 27th, 2021 from 7pm to 9pm. Visitors will require a mask to enter the space. For more information about the exhibition or programming please contact Eva Gonzalez at