Preparation for hurricane season; What to do before, during, and after a hurricane

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Every year in Aruba and the other Caribbean Islands, the hurricane season begins in June and ends in November. These months are considered hurricane season due to the large number of storms that form in the Atlantic Ocean and are directed towards the Caribbean region. To survive a hurricane, it is crucial for every individual and their family to be well-prepared before the arrival of a hurricane and know what to do during and after the storm.

Despite living in modern times where technology allows us to accurately predict the day and time a hurricane will hit an island, it is not advisable to wait until the last moment to start preparing. If you do so, there is a high possibility that you won’t be able to adequately prepare due to the extensive preparations required. In a hurricane situation, many people may panic and make poor decisions. That’s why it is important to prepare in advance.

Starting from June 1, begin with:

• Clearing around your house or Airbnb, getting rid of unnecessary materials that can become projectiles and pose a danger to your family or neighbors. Keep necessary materials in a safe place where they cannot become projectiles.

• Inspect the roof of your house for loose shingles, zinc, or any other roofing material. Repair them or have your renter repair it if you know that your roof is leaking.

• Program emergency numbers in the phones of each family member, such as 911 for emergencies, 100 for the police, and the contact numbers of close family members such as mother, father, siblings, aunts, uncles, grandparents, in-laws. In the event of a hurricane, emergency numbers will be in high demand, and close family members can help each other more easily.

Stay tuned for the second edition of safety tips, where the Department of Public Health in collaboration with the Disaster Management Bureau will provide information on what to do when the possibility is high that our island will experience a hurricane.

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