Positive meeting with AH&SF regarding police presence in the hotel area

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Wednesday morning, the minister of Justice and Social Affairs, Mr. Rocco Tjon held a meeting with the board of directors of Aruba Hospitality & Security Foundation (AH&SF) regarding different projects for the hotel area, specifically, the new project “Tourism Patrol” to expand vigilance in the hotel area.

Aside from this, a few points of concern from the past were brought forward by AH&SF. However, the minister explained how these concerns were taken into account in order to not repeat the problem in the future, and also how this was taken into account specifically in the project of security cameras. For this reason, processes were restructured in order to fix and prevent these problems in the futuro. Currently, there is a commission dedicated exclusively to this.

Regarding the Tourism Patrol, this will be done together with the judicial department, which will be in charge of doing the background check for the personnel in charge of executing these tasks. At the same time, they will receive various trainings regarding predictive profiling, as well as follow the course of Aruba Certification Program. This way, the intention is to give this personnel training so that they can become “bijzonder opsporing ambtenaar”, special investigation officers.

The goal is to have continuous vigilance in the hotel area, with different shifts of patrol on foot, on bicycle and on vehicles. This project will cover the area from Arashi until Bushiri.

According to the minister, this is a project with a positive impact for Aruba and for tourism, to guarantee even more the security of our people. Agreements were made to meet in November, in order to expand more on this project and come up with concrete plans on how to realize this in 2023.