Philip and his animals welcome you

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Looking into something to do with the family? Let’s hop to an amazing place. Something different, an experience that is to be enjoyed by people of all ages. Welcome to Philip’s Animal Garden, open again for visitors from Friday May 15th, yet taking care of all the needed precautions.

We are not talking about a zoo here, this is actually a sanctuary for all types of creatures, from horses to peacocks, kangaroos to turtles, monkeys, goats, and many, many more different species. The place was founded in 2009 and it is the only organization rescuing and rehabilitating exotic animals in Aruba, which has resulted in an amazing collection of these animals. They provide a suitable living environment for all the rescued animals. Up until now the owner, Philip, has built this shelter with his own efforts; building all the cages from scratch, designing all structures and welding them with his own bare hands. His goal is to upgrade the facilities to a world-class animal shelter with veterinary care and round-the-clock staffs. With the input from the Aruban community and visitors they provide the best care for these animals.

Philip’s Animal garden will be open from 9am to 6pm respecting the social distance rule and no groups allowed.

Please check out their Facebook Philips Animal Garden and website for more information: