Opportunity to submit nominations for Royal decorations

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As was the case in previous years, it is again possible, starting May 26, on the occasion of the celebration of King’s Day 2022, to nominate persons to be considered for a Royal decoration, popularly said, to receive a “Ribbon” to be distinguished.

Everywhere in Aruba people are committed to the Aruban community. Very often they do this in silence and in the background, but these people should be put in the limelight. Someone can earn a ribbon if there are special personal merits to society.

This can be voluntary work, but also a special fulfillment of a paid main job or a combination of both:

  • These are volunteers who are selflessly committed to organizations, groups, neighborhoods or people in the field of sports, art, culture, religion, nature, the social field, youth work, care for the elderly, public order and safety, etc. for 15 years or more.
  • Someone who performs exceptional at work may also qualify. In such a case it concerns a special and exceptional merit in the work that goes considerably further than what can normally be expected and from which society benefits.

In case you know such a person, you can nominate this person to receive special recognition by means of a royal decoration. Such a nomination can be submitted by anyone, including organizations or agencies. All proposals must be submitted in writing using two special forms. These forms with the accompanying instructions and explanations are available from May 26, 2021 during office hours at the desk of the Administrative Office in Oranjestad and San Nicolas or from the members of the Decoration Committee Aruba. The forms will also be available on the government website:  www.government.aw

In Aruba, the Aruba Decoration Committee is charged with processing the nominations and the accompanying investigation. The nominations go to the Netherlands through the official channels, where
they are dealt with by the Dutch Chapter for the Civil Orders. In order to properly assess the merits of the nominee, it is very important that all requested information is provided as complete and extensive as possible. The forms must be completely filled in and signed and the nomination must be properly substantiated. Decoration Committee Aruba emphasizes that the Royal decoration should be a surprise
for the person concerned. It is therefore extremely important NOT to inform the nominated candidate of the nomination and not to involve it in completing the forms. This also prevents disappointment if the award is not awarded. The deadline for submission of nominations for a Royal decoration for
the year 2022 is 6 August 2021.
 Unfortunately , incomplete nominations and nominations that arrive after this date cannot be processed. Both the Decoration Committee Aruba and the Dutch Chapter for the Civil Orders will only consider full and timely nominations received.

The nominations must be handed in in a sealed envelope at the desk of the Administrative Office in Oranjestad. The envelope is addressed to the Decoration Committee Aruba, c / o Office of the Minister of General Affairs, 76 LG Smith Boulevard, Oranjestad, Aruba.

The Decoration Committee Aruba is very pleased that many nominations come in every year and hopes that many people from the Aruban community will also be recognized for the important work they do for the community and receive a well-deserved ribbon for the celebration of King’s Day 2022. For more information direct your email to condeco.aruba@gmail.com