Doctor Lili Beke from the Walk-In Clinic has a solid reputation, built up in more than 35 years of experience as a medical doctor. Both tourists and locals feel great with her for the simple reasons that she has the qualities of a great doctor: communicative, skilled, empathetic and trustworthy.
Unique is the fact that you can walk into this clinic without an appointment and that the Palm Beach Service Pharmacy she partners up with is literally next door. When you feel sick during vacation you want this out of your system as soon as possible and a convenient solution is forehanded. Don’t look any further, help is just around the corner. A one-stop-shopping solution.
Top 5 Vacation Illnesses.
The most common reasons why patients walk into her clinic sound very familiar. Doctor Beke: “When on vacation you are excited so you mix meals, eat without control and combine this with more alcohol than usual resulting in an upset stomach. Digestion issues occur and when on a diet you can count on it that you will get sick.” Throwing up, diarrhea, dehydration will be a bummer on your vacation. “Second occasion why people step in here is medication. They feel sick because they forgot to take their medicines with them or simply think they don’t need it on holiday. But of course the body does not work differently only because you are in another place.” This happens especially with patients of higher age and many times with blood pressure medication and psychological medicines, the doctor explains. “As we have the pharmacy next door we can solve this in most cases very quick so you will soon feel better again. Then of course we have the allergies, force majeure but still a hassle. Too much sun bathing is another thing causing dehydration and sun burns.”
“I strongly advise to buy a new sunblock cream every vacation. Our pharmacy sells the most advanced ones that is environmental friendly, so not damaging the sea life.” As fifth most common reason for patients to come see the doctor she mentions exhaustion. “You want to do everything in a short time and by the end of the day the body is exhausted, giving a reversed reaction. Take it easy please, moderate or like we say here: chill.” Besides this top 5 the doctor is visited by patients with chronic diseases that often contact her in advance to travelling.
The Little Ones.
With regards to children Dr. Beke advises parents to keep an extra eye on them during vacation. “They are excited, cannot hold control, play all day in the sand and pool and eat a lot of different things. But they are sensitive and you do not want your loved ones waking up in the middle of the night vomiting or with diarrhea.” Asthmatic children should be taken care of extra as the sun, water and strong draft on the island can complicate their condition. “Protect the heads of your kids, we are close to the equator and the sun rays are more rectangular thus stronger. The heat and humidity can exhaust the little bodies easily. Let them play under an umbrella preferably and keep drinking water. At the pharmacy you can buy ear plugs to prevent ear infections.” The doctor stresses that there is no doubt about drinking tap water. “The water of Aruba is the best. You can drink that without problems. It is excellent. In the States it is prepared with a lot of chemicals, but here it’s clean.”
Doctor Beke has a loyal local patient pool staying with her mainly because of the experience and trust. “They tell me I really listen to them, they feel attended and respected. A patient is a human being, not a casus, unfortunately many times doctors are skilled in the medical part but not on the social terrain.” The latter is more and more important, especially with certain groups like teenage girls. “They prefer a female doctor to treat typical woman issues. The desire is attention and to feel at ease.” Patients step in for second opinions too. “Everybody has the right to do that, it is their body and their money.”
Pharmacy Convenience.
After you pick up your prescription at Dr. Beke’s practice, you can go to the Palm Beach Service Pharmacy, right next door. The collaboration between these two results in a quick, efficient and quality service. It’s just what you need when you feel the only thing you want is healing. Lennert van der Poel, general manager of the pharmacy, which is part of a group of 5 pharmacies (Botica di Servicio), points out that convenience is not their only unique asset. “We carry a wide variety of medicines from the US, but most of the medicines come from the EU. The prices in the EU are considerately lower than in the U.S.” All medicines are European registered with the same standard as U.S. products. “The law in the States allows visitors to get prescribed medicine by a local doctor for up to 6 months, saving them a ton of money.”, says van der Poel. Most common medicines requested by visitors are antibiotic, pain killers and anti-allergy medications. However, certain things do not need prescription, such as contact lenses. These don’t need a prescription to get them on the island. “We’ve recently started importing our own ‘house brand’ of contact lenses called ‘Optinova’, and the feedback has been amazing”, elaborates Van der Poel, “We carry both daily and monthly lenses, which are an ideal substitute if you forget yours when coming on vacation, or even if you would like to take some home, which is why we’ve seen so many return customers.”
Naturally we wish you the healthiest, most wonderful vacation of your life on our Happy Island. But …. In case you are in need of a doctor and a pharmacy, just turn around, walk in and feel welcome to be cured!
Palm Beach Service Pharmacy Aruba Walk-in Clinic
T: +297 587 1717 T: +297 588 539 or +297 594 0539 (emergency)
Unit 8 at “The Cove”, Palm Beach Unit 9 at “The Cove”, Palm Beach
Open Mon-Sa 10 am – 4 pm, Open during weekdays 9am–12pm, 2.30 –5 pm
(Friday afternoon 2pm– 4.30 pm)
Saturday, Sunday & Holidays 2 pm – 4 pm