Minister of Nature in meetings to outline spearfishing policy

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Recently, minister of Nature, Mr. Ursell Arends held meetings with representatives of spear fishermen groups regarding their collaboration to reach a new policy regarding spearfishing.

During a few weeks already, the ministry of Nature is attending various meetings during which knowledge is exchanged, and proposals are brought forward as well, in order to arrive to a policy where the practice of spearfishing and nature conservation can be in harmonious balance, according to a press release.

For this latest meeting, various departments were invited to be present, including DLVV (Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Market Halls Department; Santa Rosa) , DNM (Department of Nature and Environment), FPNA (Aruba National Park Foundation) and Coastguard. Involving all stakeholders who deal directly with the practice and effects of spearfishing assures joint efforts to reach a definitive policy which must regulate by law, and thus ensure that spearfishing can take place in a controlled, regulated and sustainable manner on Aruba.

The minister of Nature said he will continue with the meetings in the following weeks, where he will continue outlining, among other things, the permit process and the rules for the practice, so that soon the policy can be announced.

Minister Arends thanks all stakeholders and particularly a group of spear fishermen who attended these meetings, sharing their knowledge and experience which contributes to healthy and constructive discussions, with a focus on common goals.