Initiation of Oranjestad’s Certification Process as the Next “Culinary Capital” in the Caribbean

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In a new and exciting development, Minister Geoffrey Wever has initiated the certification process for Oranjestad to become the next “Culinary Capital” in the Caribbean, a valuable recognition from the World Food Travel Association (WFTA) that will elevate our city’s position. This significant step marks another phase of a broader strategy aimed at revitalizing Oranjestad.

The WFTA’s “destination certification” of “Culinary Capital” is not just a title but also a testament to Oranjestad’s rich culinary heritage and diversity. This process will put our local cuisine on the global map, promote food tourism, and enhance visitors’ experiences. ‘This initiative aligns perfectly with our ongoing efforts to breathe new life into the heart of Oranjestad,’ the minister commented.

Revitalization Strategy

The application for certification as “Culinary Capital” is part of a holistic strategy by Minister Geoffrey Wever to revitalize Oranjestad. Our efforts include enhancing security and ensuring high cleanliness standards, improving the city’s visual appeal through beautification projects, and increasing the area’s accessibility.

Facilitating the return of various governmental departments to our city center to stimulate local businesses is also a focus. Additionally, there is an emphasis on attracting more people, creating an interesting environment that can host more events and festivals, among other activities. Ultimately, all these efforts will make our city center commercially more viable.

A “Culinary” Destination

‘This recognition will put Oranjestad on the global culinary map, attracting food lovers from all parts of the world. It will also provide a platform for our chefs, farmers, and local food producers to showcase their talents and products.’

The certification process involves a comprehensive evaluation of our culinary scene, including the quality of our food, the diversity of our culinary offerings, and our commitment to sustainability and local food sourcing.

We are confident that Oranjestad will reflect our culinary richness. The certification process is set to begin, and we are eager to keep the community informed of developments. ‘Together, we can make Oranjestad a vibrant and dynamic destination,’ stated Minister Geoffrey Wever.