Hospice Atardi celebrates its 4th anniversary

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On November 17, 2022, the Minister of Tourism and Public Health, Mr. Dangui Oduber, and the Minister of Transport, Integrity, Nature and Elderly Affairs, Mr. Ursell Arends, paid a visit to Hospice Atardi in connection with their 4th anniversary.

Hospice Atardi offers home care to those in need of this special care. The team consists of volunteers, nurses, and a family physician who provide 24 hours care and support to individuals who are terminally ill and who are already in their final stages of life. The volunteers help with the daily personal care, that family members normally provide at home to the patient, but also a listening ear and have regular conversations with the patient and family.

Hospice Atardi is not possible without the efforts of the nurses and volunteers who work day and night and provide guidance and care. That is why the Minister thanked everyone for their dedication to giving the best available care as a volunteer. “This is emotionally a very tough job which can be very heavy on the volunteers and nurses, so thank you very much for the effort,” Minister Dangui Oduber said. Minister Oduber and Minister Arends showed immense gratitude to all the volunteers, nurses, and all involved with the fourth anniversary of the Hospice Atardi celebration.

If you want to become a volunteer, contact Hospice Atardi, located at Noord Cura Cabay 147, or call 5840085.