Divi Impact Foundation: Six students will receive scholarship and 207 other students will receive school articles

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Divi Impact is glad and proud to grant to 6 members a scholarship so that they can continue with their study.

3 of the students will continue with their tuition at Colegio Arubano, two of the tuition will go for Medical School in Costa Rica and one for master in Curacao. The total amount for this scholarship amounts to Afl. 32,781.

Divi Impact is a foundation that considers education really important for our island and therefore is doing its maximum effort in this area.

This year a total of 207 children of our members received their certificate to buy their school uniform and other school articles. The total cost for this project was Afl. 29,175.

Last Friday in the Alhambra Ballroom the directive of the foundation presented to the members a financial result of the entire donation they received in 2021.

The foundation is really satisfied with the contribution of all the Divi employees and from Divi Resort. This way they can continue with their contribution to the local community.