Discover your way with the Walk of Aruba

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It is here! The 2nd Camino or Walk of Aruba ‘Discover Your Way’ will be held Saturday, August 1st. This walk will be approx.16 km (almost 10 miles) including uphill and downhill. The path will be marked with temporary signage and it includes points of interest, a pilgrim passport to collect stamps and some reflections to inspire you.

The 1st Camino held in Aruba was based on the pilgrims hike to Santiago de Compostela and it was a smashing success. In total 39 pilgrims walked the yellow arrow marked path and interacted with each other but also walked alone to reflect on their life. The original Ancient Camino to Santiago de Compostela is a beautiful path with breath-taking nature, very rich history, incredible pilgrim stories and challenging climbs. It really helps pilgrims to come home to themselves and grow personally and spiritually.

On the Camino we say that the walk is not giving you what you want but it is giving you what you need. It is a physical journey that you fully experience but later often you realize how much it is telling you about your inner life. You will get to know yourself better which will help you cope better with these changing times.

For this event the organization is working on a beautiful mountainous ocean route. The departure location will be announced next week. This 2nd Camino is also open for individual participation and in accordance with the social distancing and health guidelines of DVG which is Aruba’s governmental public health department. Meaning that each participant will receive an individual departure time as of 5:15am. Half of the admission price will go to the Fundacion Pa Nos Comunidad (Foodbank). In this way we give to ourselves and also help the community at large which is very pilgrim-like. Please note that this Camino will take you approximately 3 – 5 hours so you can take some breaks in between to drink, eat, journal and reflect. The intention of this walk is not focused on exercise, but more to relax, energize and gain more inner knowledge.

What do you need to participate?

* Comfortable clothing including good hiking shoes

* Walking sticks if needed

* Sunscreen lotion, sunglasses and a hat

* Buff or mask and hand sanitizer

* Backpack with approx. 1, 5 liter water plus snack

* Journal plus pen

More information you find on the website

“A walk in nature walks the soul back home.” – Mary Davis