Department of meteorology Aruba issues warning regarding upcoming heat; Heat advisory for the next few months as we are approaching the hottest part of the year

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Ā We are approaching the hottest part of the year which is the months of August, September and October.

The high temperatures and humidity percentages combined with a lighter wind than normal will causeĀ discomfort-feelings during the next few months. The high temperatures should range from 34Ā°c (93 f) to 36Ā° c (97 f) degrees Celsius with humidity in the mid 80ā€™s to high 90ā€™s. This will make for heat index values (apparent temperatures) around 43Ā°c (109 f) Ā to 46Ā°c ( 115 f) degrees each day.


The heat and humidity will not subside much at night with temperatures only dropping into the high 20ā€™s (29 to 27Ā°c, 84 to 81 f). This will add to the danger for people who cannot find a way to adequately cool down.


Excessive heat is the number one weather killer and people should be prepared for the dangers excessive heat possesses. Young children, elderly people and those with illnesses or heart conditions are most at risk. Limit outdoor activities to earlyĀ in the morning or until evening hours (when the sun has already set). If you have a working airĀ conditioner make use it or at least open windows and allow air to circulate.


Precautionary/preparedness actions to take:

A heat advisory means that a period of hot temperatures is expected. The combination of hot temperatures and high humidity will combine to create a situation in which heat illnesses are possible. Drink plenty of fluids (water, unsweetened juice), stay in an air-conditioned room and stay out of the sun and wear preferably light color clothing (white).