Delete negative energy


It be interesting if there was a delete button or buzzer to push for negativity? Buzzz. Your bad, sad, rad mood is gone. Buzzz. Complaining is banished. Buzzz. Self-pity is kicked out the door. Delete. Delete. Delete. Negative energy no more.

Humans are energy-producing creatures. We have physically measurable electromagnetic fields generated by living cells, tissues, and organs enclosed in a body with skin. Tissues and organs produce specific magnetic pulsations known as biomagnetic fields. The electrocardiogram and electroencephalogram are now joined by biomagnetic recordings called magnetocardiograms and magnetoencephalograms.

Body parts (brain, heart, liver, muscles) need energy to work. Food is our source of energy. Energy is released through movement and the effects of gravity. We use energy to breathe, think, and talk.

Brainwaves are produced by synchronized electrical pulses from masses of neurons communicating with each other. Neurons fire and wire together. Brainwaves change according to what we’re thinking, feeling, and doing. Be mindful of the energy your’re putting out and the energy you’re putting in.Our brain consists of 5 different types of brain waves; Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta and Gamma brain waves. Each of these of these brain waves has a normal frequency range in which they operate.

Be mindful of your thoughts. Become a “thought” detective and examine why you think what you think. Are you pessimistic or optimistic? How do your respond to challenges and obstacles? Life has ups and downs. Do you only see the downs?

“The energy if the mind is the essence of life.”—Aristotle

Be mindful of mental energy. Practice gratitude daily. Declutter the mind with music, reading, journaling, praying. Throw out perfectionism.

Be mindful of your words. The words we choose to use can help or hurt another person. We are managers of the tongue. Change your conversations. Do you often discuss what is wrong in the world instead of what is right? “I mean, language fascinates me anyway, and different words have different energies and you can change the whole drive of a sentence.”—Alan Rickman

Be mindful of your voice tone. Screaming at your kids is like filling a swimming pool with vinegar—it doesn’t work. While vinegar is a natural substance, it’s also acidic, which means it can cause damage when used improperly.

Be mindful of your facial expressions. Do you smile or frown more? Grimace or grin more? “I believe that smiling more benefits you directly — even without its social benefits. You go to the gym to strengthen your muscles. Why not go to the smiling gym to strengthen your positive emotions?,” asks journalist Eric Finzi in a 2013 article in The Atlantic.

Be mindful of your emotions. Negativity feeds on fear. Yes, we all need a trustworthy friend to listen when we need to vent, but a pattern of whining and grumbling zaps energy. Do you waste energy by worrying? Misguided guilt can also drain energy. Are you a blamer or shamer?

“People like to be around those who give off positive energy.”—Erin Heatherton.

Be mindful of sarcasm. Humor can release tension, but rudeness sends feel-good energy out of the window.

Be mindful of social media and comparing self to others. It’s like poking a balloon with a needle. The fake and phony selfie crowd needs a wake-up call to reality.

“If everyone were to spread positive energy on the Internet, the world would be a much better place.”—Lu Wei

Be mindful of your reactions. Are you a drama diva or a drama dude? How do your vibes affect others?

Be mindful of the people in your friendship circle. Are you in a relationship with an energy vampire? Or an energy tornado?

“Instead of worrying about what you cannot control, shift your energy to what you can create.”—Roy Bennett

Be mindful of nature: sun, sea, sand, surf. Refresh the soul with mountain hikes: crisp air, ancient rocks, wild flowers. Relax on a blanket in the backyard and watch fluffy clouds.

Could it be that you’re unaware of your own negative energy? Tune into your own personal energy field and observe how you affect others. Be aware of vibrations being sent from your voice when emotional.

“Be a positive energy trampoline – absorb what you need and rebound more back.”—Dave Carolan

Melissa Martin, Ph.D. is an author, columnist, educator, and therapist. She lives in US.