Crossing for Prevention: Deaxo Croes successfully swims from Bonaire to Curaçao

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Long-distance swimmer Deaxo Croes successfully swam 53km from Bonaire to Curaçao, not only to show courage, passion and physical and mental resistance, but also to raise funds for three foundations working to benefit Aruba, Bonaire and Curaçao.

Cancer affects us all, and this is the reason why work needs to be done to help with cancer prevention on our islands. This is the reason why Deaxo Croes swam to raise funds for CORESA (Colorectal Screening Aruba), Kankerfonds (cancer funds) Bonaire, and Fundashon Prevenshon Curaçao (Prevention Foundation).

On the 19th of November at 3:02am Deaxo entered the water for his long swim. His team tracked the progress during the night on their Facebook page, keeping anxious followers up to date on the swimmer’s condition.

Deaxo swam with an average speed of 3.83 km/h.

Around 5:12pm, Deaxo finally reached the coast in Curaçao, to great rejoicing from all those present.

Prime minister of Curaçao, Gilmar Pisas received the Aruban swimmer at The Pear Restaurant. He said that Deaxo would stop every 30 minutes to eat and check his temperature, all of this happening in the water. The prime minister welcomed Deaxo and congratulated him with his amazing achievement.
Aruba as a whole is very proud of Deaxo!