Covid-19 in Aruba

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After being completely shut down for 3.5 months due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Aruba was ready to reopen its border for international visitors on July 1st. Firstly, the borders were opened to the Caribbean (with the exception of Dominican Republic and Haiti), Europe, and Canada and since July 15th, tourists from the United States and Canada were welcomed. What a joy it was to see the first flight land and the first tourist touching Aruba’s ground after such a long time.

During the shutdown rules and restrictions were implemented to flatten the curve as soon as possible. Schools were closed, bar and restaurants had to close too, only one person per family was allowed to go to the supermarkets. There was a shelter in place during the day, a curfew at night and many other precautions were taken with the sole purpose of the safety and well-being of our residents. Aruba managed to flatten the curve and also to beat the Covid-19 pandemic fast.

A month after opening the border we had the first active Covid-19 cases registered, which marked the start of the 2nd wave of the pandemic. We were all conscious that we might get affected by the virus once again, but we weren’t prepared for the strength in which this virus would manifest itself in the 2nd wave. Total cases were increasing at a high speed daily. Due to this and especially to protect our visitors the Government of Aruba together with the department of Public Health had to implement strict rules and protocols again.

These are the decisions taken by the Government of Aruba up till today:

October 7, 2020

  • A Curfew from 12:00 am to 5:00 am until further notice has been announced.
  • Restaurants need to be closed at 11:00 pm.

September 11, 2020

  • A Curfew from 10:00 pm to 5:00 am until further notice has been announced.
  • Restaurants need to be closed at 9:00 pm.

September 10, 2020

  • The Task Force personnel, in charge of controlling persons in quarantine and isolation, has been doubled, and a fine of 1000 florins (one thousand) will also be issued to those who do not adhere to the rules.


August 28, 2020

  • A Curfew from 12:00 am to 5:00 am has been announced.
  • Avoid large gatherings at the workplace.
  • Avoid visiting family and family parties in groups of 4 people or more.


August 7, 2020

  • Bars, nightclubs and rum-shops must be closed.
  • It is not permitted to organize family parties at home.
  • Masks are now mandatory in all locations (interior) and also on public transport.
  • Only 25 people are allowed at funerals maintaining the protocol.
  • Churches have to maintain themselves according to the protocol and singing is not permitted.
  • Visits and admissions to elderly care homes are prohibited.

August 4, 2020

  • Tables in restaurants cannot seat more than 4 people, excluding children under 12 years of age.
  • Bars (counter) at locations cannot service, as there cannot be chairs at the bar to sit down.
  • There cannot be any live musical entertainment going on or with a DJ.
  • Indoor group sports must stop.
  • Indoor contact sports must stop.
  • Outdoor contact sports must stop.
  • Co-education ban will come back into effect, where no more than 4 persons can be together in public locations.

Measures for maintaining social/physical distance

Every business / organization / institution / employer should take the necessary measures to ensure the necessary social or physical distance of a minimum of 1 ½ (5 feet) meters between employees, employees and visitors, and visitors. This may entail limited access to a few visitors, especially in smaller businesses.

Measures for maintaining good hygiene

Every business / organization / institution / employer should take the necessary measures to facilitate and promote good hygiene among visitors and employees while on premises. This may entail mandatory application of alcohol-based hand sanitizer upon entry.

Measures regarding sick employees or clients on business property

Every business / organization / institution / employer should take the necessary measures to ensure that there are no employees or visitors with respiratory problems (cough, shortness of breath, sore throat) on company property in order to safeguard the employees’ and visitors’ health and safety. This entails that a visibly sick visitor with respiratory problems can be denied entry on premises or asked to abandon premises if already inside.

Latest update on cases- October 13, 2020

32 new cases of COVID-19 reported and 60 persons recover. The total number of active COVID-19 coronavirus cases is 348 (340 residents and 8 visitors). The total cases to date is 4.229 (4.172 residents and 57 visitors).  The total recovered is 3.849 (3.800 residents and 49 visitors). The number of persons tested, including visitors, is now 35.284 of which 16.095 were persons tested at the airport. The number of deaths related to COVID-19 is now 32 (all residents). Sincere condolences to the family of the deceased. There are currently 13 persons hospitalized, of whom 4 are in intensive care.

Advice for travelers

Prior to travel, visitors should download the Aruba Department of Public Health’s Aruba Health App. A mobile resource for information on COVID-19 health procedures in Aruba, facilitation of the airport health screening, and faster results for Molecular PCR COVID-19 tests taken in Aruba.