Council of Ministers of the Kingdom of the Netherlands prolonged mandate of Governor Alfonso Boekhoudt

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Yesterday, 25th of November, the Council of Ministers of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (Rijksministerraad) approved the proposal of the government of Aruba to prolonge the appointment of Mr. Alfonso Boekhoudt as Governor of Aruba for another six-year term.

The mandate of His Excellency Governor Alfonso Boekhoudt will expire on the 1st of Januari 2023. The Government of Aruba, seeing the experience and knowledge of Mr. Boekhoudt, seeing the respect enjoyed by Mr. Boekhoudt in our community, asked Mr. Boekhoudt to stay on for one more term. Mr. Boekhoudt accepted the government’s request.

The government of Aruba proposed to the Netherlands to prolong the appointment of Governor Boekhoudt for one more term, from 2023 until the 1st of Januari 2029. Yesterday RMR approved this proposal.

Prime minister of Aruba, Evelyn Wever-Croes, in the name of the government of Aruba congratulated Mr. Boekhoudt with his appointment and thanked Mr. Boekhoudt for his availability to continue serving the community of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.