Conservation of Aruba’s protected areas continues

On Friday morning, August 14, 2020, Foundation Park National Aruba (FPNA) received the verdict on a pending court case of the Aruba Off-Road Foundation against the Government of Aruba, Aruba Birdlife Conservation and FPNA. After a two week prolonged decision, today the judge ruled in favor of nature conservation.

In the month of May, FPNA introduced the policy document to gradually regulate the motorized vehicles in the protected area of Arikok National Park, due to the high impact to our flora, fauna, and biodiversity. This policy document is the first step of a larger management plan which will ultimately stimulate low impact, sustainable recreation in favor of conservation and protection of Aruba’s nature.

As stipulated in the agreement with the Government of Aruba “landsbesluit Parke Nacional Arikok (AB 2000 no. 59) FPNA is responsible for the preservation of the biodiversity, the natural environment, and the natural beauty within the national park. The scope of preservation is by means of protection, management, and possible development or enrichment of the native flora and fauna and the mutual ecological connections. Furthermore, FPNA is responsible for the preservation of the cultural, historical, archaeological, and geological features of the park.

The tireless work of conservation will continue in full force with the new protected areas that have recently been placed under the management of FPNA. For these additional protected areas, FPNA will now start with the lengthy dialogue with different stakeholders which will result in a long term management plan for these protected areas.

FPNA would like to extend its gratitude to the entire community and visitors for all the support received for its conservation efforts. FPNA will maintain a strong communication with all partners and stakeholders as it relates to high impact motorized traffic and work together to reach our goal of sustainable recreation favoring nature conservation.