Children’s Club at the Community Center in Savaneta

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For a few months now the Community Center in the city of Savaneta has its own Children’s Club (Club di Mucha). The purpose of the club is to organize different activities to stimulate development in children. Not only for the community of Savaneta, but all children of Aruba are welcomed here. The club is for children between the ages of 6-10.

Every Tuesday from 3.30 PM to 5PM children are welcomed to gather to do different types of activities. Every week they have different activities and games. The program is very varied and focusses on science, music, art, safety, cooking and gardening activities. Most activities take place at the community center itself, but on occasions they also visit some places of interest. Like for the theme Art they had the pleasure to visit Atelier’s 89 a, Cas di Cultura and they even painted a tote-bag at Cosecha. The children who took part of this enjoyed it very much. For the month of November, the club has 3 different activities coming up which are a Golf game, making a Thanksgiving snack and doing arts & crafts for Christmas.

Upcoming Saturday November 20th, 2021, the Children’s Club will be celebrating Children’s day. From 3-6 PM. There will be lots of activities for the entire family.

For more information go to the facebook page of Centro di Bario Savaneta or contact Roseline at +297 569.3900.