Canadians Lead the Way in Carry-On

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We have the pleasure to share with you a story one of our readers, Antoinetta DeWit from Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada has shared with us about her two wonderful friends Sue and Rick. We hope you enjoy it as much as we did and we thank everyone who submits their stories for trusting us and sharing your awesome stories with us and our readers.

The story is as follows;

Two Canadian travelers named Rick and Sue have happily returned to Aruba after a three and a half year absence. They have dreamt of this vacation for a long time, and prepared well.

One day Rick was perusing on line for the latest in carry-on baggage, when something very odd, but intriguing, popped up on the screen — a carry-on complete with motorized mobility technology assistance. At first it seemed surreal but he placed the order, and three days later the delivery was received at their home in Uxbridge, Ontario.

Their curiosity continued as they excitedly opened the box, read the instructions and tried it out in their driveway. It truly was as amazing as they imagined.

They packed the suitcase with as much as they could, zipped it up and tried it again. It worked every bit as well for Sue as it did for Rick. The luggage operates with a lithium battery and includes a throttle and hand brakes. It became almost as exciting as the trip!

Welcome to Aruba — Sue and Rick. You have no doubt caught the eyes of many fellow travelers and perhaps even started a whole new traveling phenomenon for people with mobility challenges.

Enjoy our One Happy Island and safe, easy travels back to Canada.