Cadets Royal Military Academy roll up their sleeves during exercise in Aruba

Breda, 26 november 2018.Defile KMA door Breda
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From Sunday, May 8 to Saturday, May 14, 2022, approximately twenty cadets from the Royal Military Academy (KMA) in Breda (The Netherlands) will complete their officer training in Aruba with exercise ‘Alumno to Suda’.

After the summer, the cadets will start their Specialization Training as final preparations for their first officer positions within the various arms and service sections of the Royal Netherlands Army.

By holding the exercise in Aruba, the aspiring officers experience what it is like to operate in a different environment, context and climatic conditions than they are used to. By creating an operational context, a deployment is simulated. The program includes lessons from the Aruban military (ARUMIL), sports, thrilling activities, moments of reflection and a 24-hour exercise with the support of the Marine Corps of Marine Barracks Savaneta.

Social day

On Saturday May 14, the program will conclude with a social day in Aruba. The cadets then roll up their sleeves to help with maintenance and practicalities at Ambiente Feliz, a family replacement home for the mentally handicapped, and Sgt. Pepper Friends Foundation, an animal shelter in Aruba. Community activities are conducted several times a year by the cadets to contribute to local organizations and charities.

Hundreds of cadets are trained to become officers every year at the Royal Military Academy (KMA) in Breda. At the KMA, a short officer training, military science training or specialist training can be followed. The Royal Military Academy trains officers for the Royal Netherlands Army, the Royal Netherlands Air Force and the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee.

In organizing this exercise, the KMA is supported by the Defense Leadership Expertise Center (ECLD) and the Faculty of Military Sciences (FMW). These institutes are also parts of the Netherlands Defense Academy (NLDA). There is also cooperation with the ARUMIL and the Royal Netherlands Navy.