As part of the diversification strategy: Aruba Tourism Authority working on Latin American market

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Recently, a delegation of Aruba Tourism Authority was in Bogota, Colombia to complete a wide schedule of meetings and other important encounters with colleagues of ATA Latin America (LATAM).

The week of meetings opened with an internal encounter between ATA Aruba and ATA LATAM. Afterwards the focus was on 2022, with agencies also present. It is expected that 2022 will close with a total of 85,000 visitors from the region.

The schedule continued with discussion of strategy for 2023 and tactical action which the market defined. The goal for 2023 is to attract the visitors that spend the most, and to attract a total of 3 percent more visitors from the region. The budget for 2023 and the strategy for among other 5 markets of LATAM (Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Peru and Colombia) were also discussed.


This was the last meeting of Miriam Dabian as director of Tourism Office of Latin America. A special encounter with great participation which allowed ATA to express gratitude and emphasize the commitment of Aruba with the market.

There were also meetings with Aruba’s airport, with Avianca, Wingo and Sarpa. The focus continues on reestablishing the capacity that was seen in 2019. The focus also continues on new hubs in Colombia, as has been the case this year. After the collapse of the Venezuelan market, Latin America brings around 100,000 visitors every year (during non-pandemic years). This market continues being reestablished after the pandemic.

For 2023, ATA expects positive results due to the different factors on which they will be working, among others, strategy, marketing and more air connection.