Aruba Tourism Authority honored loyal visitors at La Cabana Beach Resort Aruba; Ray & Carol Pouliot

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The Aruba Tourism Authority recently had the great pleasure to recognized the Goodwill Ambassadors of Aruba with the Goodwill Certification. The honorees were presented with the Goodwill Ambassador Certificate as a token of appreciation for visiting the island for 20 years consecutively.

Honorees was:

Ray & Carol Pouliot residents of New Hampshire, US

Ms. Olga Ruiz representing the Aruba Tourism Authority, and members of La Cabana Beach Resort Aruba bestowed the certification of the Ambassadors and presented the Ambassadors with gifts, and thanked the honorees on behalf of the Government of Aruba for choosing Aruba as his favorite vacation destination for so many years. The Honorees can now call Aruba their home away from home.

Top reason for returning to Aruba, provided by the honorees were:

Beautiful island

Great People

Wonderful Weather

Old & New Friends

Variety of Restaurants