Aruba to me; Adam Toth

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ORANJESTAD — You are back and we would like to portrait you! By inviting you to send us your favorite vacation picture while enjoying our Happy Island. 

Complete the sentence: Aruba to me is ……. Send your picture with that text (including your name and where you are from) to: and we will publish your vacation memory. Isn’t that a special way to keep your best moments alive? Please do note: By submitting photos, text or any other materials, you give permission to The Aruba Today Newspaper, Caribbean Speed Printers and any of its affiliated companies to use said materials, as well as names, likeness, etc. for promotional purposes without compensation.

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For today we received a lovely message from Adam Toth.

He wrote to us saying: “Aruba is to me… Not to be taken for granted by its people OR visitors. At first judgement years ago upon my grandparents longtime love for the island and pleads for my family of wife and then young daughter to join them for time away on Aruba was “where the heck is Aruba and what’s so great about it?”. I had been to other areas of the Caribbean and been quick to judge Aruba as a stereotypical tourist destination of commercialized same old. But to my absolute “hot delight” Aruba is so much more than a destination. The island is so much more than what we Americans are too quick to judge and assume. Its people, and own cultural identity are as warm as its weather. Its natural beauty has stand out allure that is unmatched in the world. So what I mean by not to be taken for granted is that one time visitors or welcome home visitors should not lose sight of how special Aruba really is. Clean up after yourselves, pick up your trash and cigarette butts on the beaches, be kind and patient to the people of this place, they have lives just like you and remember that we are all in this time and place together. we are guests at their home and the respect should be of utmost importance. And to the great warm people of Aruba, don’t let the grind of taking care or us get to you. I recently experienced a small van/bus ride that my family and off shift locals were on from palm beach back to low rise after dinner and could not help but notice the daily grind of exhaustion in your eyes. I know too well how this feels like every day is Groundhog Day and how some guests may be challenging but please don’t judge all based on the few baddies. And don’t take for granted your beauty, kindness and duty you’ve shown on how special this place truly is and how I hope to not ever change but continue to thrive. I love you Aruba! Masha Danki!”

Thank you for sending us this wonderful message sharing what Aruba means to you with us and our readers!