Aruba to Me

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Aruba Today likes to welcome readers to participate in our newspaper. You can see that in our Honored Guest-publications, specials like on Valentine’s Day and on other occasions. Throughout the year you are always welcome to send us your vacation picture(s) together with completing the sentence: Aruba to me is …….. (Email:

For today’s newspaper we received some lovely pictures from Peter Stavrinos of Albertson, NY. He wrote to us:

“Aruba to me is…. A place to celebrate with family”

Peter and Despina Stavrinos will be celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary this year. For them there is no better place to celebrate this special occasion with the whole family than their favorite place on earth, Aruba.

They have been visiting the island every year for over 20 years now. This past holiday was quite special since the whole family was here to spend it together. After this visit, Peter is sure the whole family will make it an annual trip now.

While being on the island Peter and Despina love reading Aruba Today and they noticed the ‘Aruba To Me’ section and wanted to share with our readers their story and their 6 grandchildren, who are their pride and joy.