Aruba to Me

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Aruba Today likes to welcome readers to participate in our newspaper. You can see that in our Honored Guest-publications, specials like on Valentine’s Day and on other occasions. Throughout the year you are always welcome to send us your vacation picture(s) together with completing the sentence: Aruba to me is …….. (Email:

For today’s newspaper we received a great picture from Melisa Morgan from New York with her cousin James from Washington, DC. She wrote to us:

“My ‘Aruba to me’moment was during my recent visit last week in Wonder ARUBA.
For the first time…. I had dinner on the beach at the fabulous “Passions on the Beach” restaurant with my Cousin James W. Jones to continue my birthday celebration in Aruba.  I made reservations and we went on December 8, 2019.  My birthday is on December 6th but I celebrate allmonth!

The atmosphere of this restaurant on the beach is so serene… it is incredible.  We got there at 6:00pm and sat right on Eagle Beach steps away from the water. We watch the beautiful colors of the sky change as we saw the sunset.  Simply awesome and serene.   What a beautiful experience on the beach to eat delicious food, watch the sunset and talk and take in you serene moments in Aruba.”