Aruba to me

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Aruba Today likes to welcome readers to participate in our newspaper. You can see that in our Honored Guest-publications, specials like on Valentine’s Day and on other occasions. Throughout the year you are always welcome to send us your vacation picture(s) together with completing the sentence: Aruba to me is …….. (Email:

For today’s newspaper we received a great picture from Natalie. She wrote:

Aruba to me is….  Being Thankful for this annual pilgrimage and these turkeys!

We have been coming for over 20 years. Babies have grown up and moved away from us, but they always come back to Aruba with us. My mom spent her last trip to Aruba with us last November. Within 3 weeks of her trip she passed away. She loved our trips.

Aruba Today wishes you and your family Happy Holidays and hope that you will find relief in all the sweet memories your Dear Mother left behind. q