Aruba is ranked one of the top 10 Sustainable Holiday Destinations

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By traveling we can build connections that will help us get to know and experience other cultures, food and music along with a new perspective gained on how other parts of the world experience and go about their daily lives.

Overall traveling has a strong and long lasting impact in many aspects of our lives meaning that a great and well managed travel will make a really good impact, but a poorly managed travel will consequently have a negative impact. The impact of traveling is not only to us, but it can extend to the destination we are in, it’s local community and it’s environment too which can then have an impact in the tourism in general. has explored a number of ranking factors that have an impact mainly on climate. It includes implications of a return flight to the destination, a total number of hotels that offer Electric Vehicle charging points and the number of vegan restaurants the location offers.

The most popular tourist destinations were found by looking at TripAdvisor’s most trending destinations of this year. This information, along with data collected for a number of ranking factors for each vacation, they have highlighted certain information to help people who want to travel plan their next vacation.

The factors are closest airports, climate impact (based on a round flight from Heathrow London to the destination) measured in kilograms of CO2, hotels with EV charging points, number of vegan restaurants, number of nature spots and its pollution level. Furthermore, they looked at the air quality of the destinations of which they found information of on The Weather Channel. All these points taken into account, each destination could receive a score out of 100.

Aruba ranked within the top 10 most sustainable holiday destinations out of 20 total destinations. In 1986 it became a separate self-governing constituent country of the Netherlands Antilles. It is located in the mid-south of the Caribbean Sea.

With the closest airport being the Queen Beatrix International Airport, a climate impact of 3709 kilograms of CO2, 1 hotel with electric vehicles charging points, 137 vegan restaurants, 50 nature spots and a low pollution level, Aruba received a 52 out of 100 score.

We are proud to see that our Island is recognized for its beauty and now for its sustainability.
