Aruba Ambassadors, Skipp and Winnie the “Power Couple” is back in Aruba

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This couple have been coming to Aruba every year for the last 39 years and this year in February became Aruba Ambassadors.

Married for over 63 years and loved by so many here in Aruba and once again they are back for the 3rd time this year. (Feb, July and now). They already have their booking ready to return next year.

Skipp and Winnie are owners of Speed Garage for the last 60 plus years and still working every day so they can return back to Aruba 3 times a year. Both are full of energy and looking forward to reach 100th so they can come more times to Aruba.

Thanks a lot Skipp & Winnie for the love you two have for our island. Photo by @SteveFrancees