Annelien Tromp-Diaz: ‘Life gives all of us the opportunity to be better every day’

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Annelien Tromp-Diaz is the leader of Scouting Aruba. Aruba Today approached Annelien to find out more about what inspires her, her achievements, challenges and her experiences as a female influencer in our community.


How do you balance work and life responsibilities?    

“Easy! Work, family, hobby, each of them have their own box with me. I take care of each of them as I should and as balanced as possible. When I am at work, I focus completely on my job, when I’m home my complete focus is my family. If there is an emergency I will always try to take care of it immediately and afterward I always go back to what I was doing. Off course, good planning, organization and good communication at home and at work are extremely necessary for it to work.”

Do women in your profession have a hard time getting promoted?  

“I don’t find that to be so. Each person must give it utmost constantly, you must empower yourself and if the opportunity presents itself take advantage of it and apply for the promotion or show your interest for a certain position.”


As a female leader, what has been the most significant barrier in your career? 

“I don’t think there was any difficulty because I am a woman, every job has its complexity for either a man or a woman. One more than another but nothing has to be an obstacle, it should be more a challenge in your career. You must do everything possible to overcome them, learn from them and continue to grow. Challenges are what makes our work more interesting after all.”


Who inspired you and why? 

“Actually, I don’t have any specific person that inspires me, it is more a situation that would inspire me in the first place for instance when we as a team achieve our goal or when we help others with a service or a person in need. When I see or read that people extend an helping hand to persons in need who are not their family and do this without expecting anything back, that would inspire me for sure to be a better person and help others in need and be a better citizen. Life gives us the opportunity to be a better person. Not only for ourselves, our financial status, but for our community.”



What advice would you give to the next generation of female leaders? 

“Always believe in yourself, your potential, stay focused and do not become egocentric. Acknowledge your weaknesses and work towards strengthening them. Be proactive. Be humble and strong at the same time. Present yourself. Take risks. Know that as a woman you can achieve any goal, just as anybody else by working hard and staying positive. Never push someone down for your own interest.”  


Do you experience resistance when you are leading men?  

“Never. I always worked with men and for me it is just as much as working with women. We always have to give respect in order to be respected. Always have an open communication, a good base of trust and lead by example. My mother used to be a manager at a big hardware store for many years in the 70’s-80’s and working with only men, in a man’s world, and she never had a problem with this because she always showed respect towards them for who they were and their abilities. I think I followed her steps.”


What is some of the advice you share with young women entering a male-dominated profession?   

“Be confident and show you are confident. Be courageous. Be committed. Think and show the “I CAN” attitude always and be creative when needed. When you need to ask for a favor or advice just do it.”



Where will we find you on a Saturday morning at 10 a.m.?  

“Normally, I would be at the Clubhouse in Savaneta or at Felipe B. Tromp school in Noord, after I have finished my household duties, preparing for our weekly girl scout gatherings that take place every Saturday midday in Savaneta and in the afternoon in Noord. Savaneta has a total of 50 girls between the ages of 4-17 and in Noord we have a total of 75 girl scouts. Together we are young and older women leaders who guide our girls to be a better person in whatever situation and always believe in themselves. I strongly believe in the strength of girl scout! I also believe very much in volunteer work for a better Aruba. Each and every one of us has the obligation to give back to the community by volunteering. Believe me it’s not that difficult. There are so many areas that need a helping hand. One of two hours per week is not much but does make a big difference. The satisfaction you get afterward is just fantastic!.”