Allure of the Seas received a warm welcome and celebrated the milestone of its arrival

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During the first visit of Allure of the Seas on Aruba, Ronella Croes, CEO of A.T.A, along with the Minister of Tourism, Dangui Oduber, presented the captain of the cruise ship a framed photo of a traditional Aruban home. This took place during the ceremony that is a part of every inaugural visit of a cruise ship.

Some members of the A.T.A team also formed a part of the group that was able to board the cruise ship to attend this ceremony, and after received a tour of the ship. As the office for tourism, it was a moment of pride and joy to be able to see this inaugural arrival and to form a part of it.

A.T.A wants to thank and congratulate the community of Aruba for this milestone, as well as the Ministry of Tourism, Aruba Ports, Authority, SEL Maduro & Sons as an agent for Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines and the department of Cruise Ship Tourism at A.T.A.

Since 2011 the office of tourism took over the responsibilities in regards to cruise ships, which used to fall under Aruba Cruise Authority. Along with the key associates, including the Ministry of Tourism, APA, A.T.A invests in various key aspects for the development of cruise ship tourism. Part of the team is in charge of the service to clients when the tourist is in Aruba. Aside from this, attraction and maintenance of the cruise associates is also one of the services provided. They work with different authorities in order to optimize the experience for the visitor the moment they are on our Island.

During the 2011 o 2019 period, cruise ship tourism on Aruba saw an average growth of 5%.