Aissette Rivera: Paving her own way as a Female Professional in the Aruban Creative Industry

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Maastricht – The Creative Islander’s “Artist Edition Series” continues its road of featuring a range of diverse Aruban creative students and professionals locally and around the world. Today we are putting the spotlight on other dynamic industries within the Cultural & Creative Industries (CCIs), namely the Broadcasting Industry and Marketing Industry.

Generally, the broadcasting industry contains of radio and television stations and networks that create content through a variety of programs, such as; local news, talk shows, music programs, movies, other entertainment forms, and commercial advertisements. Whereas the marketing industry in its practical form usually tends to be associated with business processes which include more creative elements focused on advertising, distribution and selling of goods and services. Now, I am sure you are wondering who the Creative Islander is featuring today. Well, meet Aissette Rivera, a dynamic young female professional paving her way into the Aruban CCI. Read up all about Aissette’s story and find out how you can also be successful in this industry.

Aisette Rivera was born in Miami Florida and moved to Aruba at 8 years of age. Aissette is not an unfamiliar face within the Aruban broadcasting community. You might have seen her on your TV screen or maybe even heard her on the radio. Aissette’s journey within the Aruban broadcasting industry includes her presence on radio stations such as Canal 90 FM and currently, she is one of the female anchors of the Breakfast Club Program on Heart Radio FM.

Her trajectory also includes appearances on TV programs such as Brindis and not so long ago, the first ever English telecast of Aruba’s 65th carnival parade. Next to working in the Aruban broadcasting industry, Aissette is also a marketing consultant and serves as a master of ceremonies (MC) for numerous events on the island. When she is not working hard, Aissette enjoys relaxing, singing and planning her next Disney vacation. Remarkably enough, besides being a professional woman, Aissette is also a loving mother to her daughter, Amalia.

Upbringing and Education
Transitioning her life from the US to Aruba, even though at a young age, went relatively smooth. Aissette credits that to growing up in a tight knit family structure, where family support traveled beyond boarders. On a more personal level, as a young child Aissette grew up through her dedication for dance. Dancing had a pivotal role in her personal development as a child.

“Dance influenced me in so many ways in my life. It taught me about commitment, honoring your word, responsibility, preparation and teamwork. It taught me that can’t expect me to be good at everything. I had to practice to become good”. In a beautiful way clearly dance allowed Aissette to develop a work ethic that she would carry through her life.

Adapting to her new life in Aruba as a child also meant picking up Dutch at school. However, Aissette was very resilient and had no troubles with her school work and achieving beautiful grades. In 2004, Aisette graduated from the VWO at Colegio Arubano and continued her studies in the United States. Aissette moved to Orlando, Florida where she became a full-time student at the University of Central Florida (UCF) with the assistance of the Aruba Scholarship Program.

Upon arrival in Florida, Aissette was determined to major in finance, unclear of what that would consist of and in what industry she would build her career in. It took Aissette getting an F for her first course, to realize that finance was not going to be her future. That is where Aissette decided together with some council from her advisors to change her major to marketing.

Marketing in Aissette’s eyes means having impact, being creative and doing fun things. “I always knew that I was a creative person and that I was mostly into arts as a young child. Since I was three I started with ballet, so I was exposed to art at a really young age and I always liked it”. Hence sight, Aissette now realizes that she could have broaden her horizons a bit more by adding majors such as: PR or broadcasting, but felt boxed in her thoughts on becoming this “finance professional”. Flairs of feeling self-conscious, according to Aissette definitely impacted her mindset of not considering these options. An experience most of us can relate to.

Balancing Profession and Motherhood
Aissette in her journey of building up her career in the broadcasting and marketing industries realized how beautifully her personality and qualities match with her work field. In her eyes, what it takes to make it in these industries is authenticity, “those spontaneous moments when you get to be yourself”.

One evident factor in this story is that as a professional woman in a relatively male dominated field, Aissette is aware of the face value that she does not have the lengthy experience as most broadcasting personalities on the island, but does not let it stop her from following her heart. As in most industries, women frequently face the need of proving themselves or even working harder than others in the business to get that fair chance. Now as a dedicated mother, Aissette expressed that having her family support system allows her to grow in her profession, and she is grateful for that. As a single mother, she confirmed that raising a child nowadays requires not only time but attention.

Working in the Aruban creative industry and having the busy schedule that she has, often requires her to work in the weekend or even on week nights. Like the African proverbs states; “it takes a village to raise a child”.

The Aruban Cultural and Creative Industries
It is not a foreign concept that the CCI is a very diversified economy. Aisette also shared some thoughts with the Creative Islander on the Aruban CCI.

In her eyes, all niche markets are present on Aruba, it is just that the community is not aware of them. Many of these industries are “behind the scene” type of industries and not to mention the gaps that exist between them. However, Aissette does believe that one way the Aruban CCI can grow sustainably is by synergizing it to a current stable economy, such as the Tourism Industry. This would mean focusing on niche markets such as; advertising and marketing; film, tv, video, radio and photography; music, performing and visual arts; museums, galleries and libraries. Markets who contribute to both the local development and touristic experience.

Looking Towards the Future
Aissette is definitely not done growing and venturing into new opportunities. Her future consists of continuing being able to interact with people, which in her opinion is her favorite part of her job.

“We are all people trying to make an impact, be successful and happy. I believe my future will consist of reaching closer to people”. Aissette also feels that being the curious person that she is, she might consider other career paths as well. In her words; “who knows it might even be a new business”.

Tips and Tricks
Aissette’s journey of becoming a broadcasting anchor in Aruba was her own, but has also proved her with enough life lessons to help others who also want to consider a profession in the CCI.

Aissette’s tips for students and young professionals include; following your heart and passion; if you know you are talented, start now; make the best use of the opportunities presented in your life; stay away from negative people, even the negative voice within yourself; and focus on your network and building a solid connection with people who are in your field of interest. Surely these tips can inspire and encourage students and young professionals who are eager to jump and make the next move into a successful future.

To finish, the Creative Islander would like to thank Aissette Rivera for sharing her story with the Aruban community. Her story represents the beauty of growth and is a testimonial of how dynamic and diversified the CCI is. The Creative Islander wishes Aissette all the best in her future endeavors and hopes to see more of her work in the broadcasting industry of Aruba.