AHATA conducts workplace wellness surveys on World Health Day

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The Aruba Hotel & Tourism Association is conducting two surveys to gather important workplace wellness information on World Health Day 2022.

The first survey will be sent to each of AHATA’s 136 member companies to seek information on any wellness programs they may currently have in place to help improve employee mental wellbeing.

The second is an Employee Wellness Survey to gain a better understanding of employee mental health at work and the factors that contribute to workplace stress. The survey will be available to private-sector employees, starting April 7th, on AHATA’s Facebook page: /www.facebook.com/arubahotelandtourismassociation/.

The survey results will aid AHATA’s understanding of the current state of wellness in the workplace and help the association and its members develop future programs to address wellness issues.

AHATA is an employers’ organization that works for the sustainable viability of Aruba’s tourism industry and economy. Through advocacy, membership support, and community involvement, AHATA aspires to ensure viable, long-term economic operations and socioeconomic benefits for all stakeholders.