Access and opportunity for all: Caribbean Libraries, Archives and Museums supporting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals’

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The Association of Caribbean University, Research and Institutional Libraries (ACURIL) will organize their 49th conference in Aruba, starting from Sunday June 2nd to Thursday June 6. During this conference the focus will be on sustainable development goals (SDG’s) that from the framework of the United Nations agenda 2030. The theme of the conference is: Access and opportunity for all:  Caribbean Libraries, Archives and Museums supporting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals’.

The National Library of Aruba has the honor to host this year’s conference that will take place at the Renaissance Convention Center. The program contains presentations from renowned speakers, exhibitions of suppliers of products and systems for libraries and centers of information. Sub-themes of the conference are:

  1. Information services aimed at poverty alleviation and food security
  2. Promote literacy and lifelong learning
  3. Libraries and sustainability
  4. Libraries contributing to peaceful and just societies
  5. Integrated strategies to achieve multiple SDGs

Local artists Ryan Oduber has designed the logo of the conference. He explains: “The conch has a nurturing reference but is also still a means of communication through local and regional music. The “sound colors” are from the Sustainable Development Goals International logo and represents that we all are part of the problem, but most importantly: the solution”.

In September 2015 the member states of the United Nations (UN) adopted “Transforming our world: The 2030 agenda for sustainable development which includes Seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) spanning economic, environmental and social development. Caribbean librarians and other information professionals contribute to improved outcomes across the SDGs by promoting universal literacy, closing gaps in access to information, advancing digital inclusion, serving as the heart of the research and academic community and preserving and providing access to the world’s culture and heritage.